Which Flowers Do Hummingbirds Like? And Why Do They Seem to Dance While Feeding?

Which Flowers Do Hummingbirds Like? And Why Do They Seem to Dance While Feeding?

Hummingbirds, those tiny, iridescent marvels of nature, are not only known for their rapid wing beats and hovering abilities but also for their strong affinity for certain types of flowers. These birds are highly specialized nectar feeders, and their preferences for specific blooms are deeply rooted in their biology and behavior. But have you ever wondered why hummingbirds seem to dance while feeding? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of hummingbirds and the flowers they love, while also exploring the curious connection between their feeding habits and their seemingly choreographed movements.

The Science Behind Hummingbird Flower Preferences

Hummingbirds are attracted to flowers that provide high-energy nectar, which is essential for their fast metabolism. Their favorite flowers typically share certain characteristics:

  1. Bright Colors: Hummingbirds are particularly drawn to red, orange, and pink flowers. These colors stand out in their vision, which is highly sensitive to the red end of the spectrum. Interestingly, many of the flowers they prefer have evolved to produce these colors specifically to attract hummingbirds.

  2. Tubular Shapes: The long, narrow shape of certain flowers, such as trumpet vines and honeysuckles, is perfectly suited to the hummingbird’s long, slender beak. This shape also helps to exclude other pollinators, ensuring that the hummingbird has exclusive access to the nectar.

  3. High Nectar Production: Hummingbirds need a lot of energy to sustain their rapid wing beats, which can exceed 50 beats per second. Flowers that produce abundant nectar, such as bee balm and salvia, are therefore highly attractive to them.

  4. Lack of Fragrance: Unlike bees, which are attracted to fragrant flowers, hummingbirds rely more on visual cues. Many of the flowers they prefer have little to no scent, as scent production is energetically costly for the plant and unnecessary for attracting hummingbirds.

The Dance of the Hummingbird

Now, let’s address the curious behavior of hummingbirds that seems almost like a dance. When hummingbirds feed, they often hover in front of the flower, moving their bodies in a way that appears rhythmic and deliberate. This behavior is not just for show; it serves several important functions:

  1. Stabilization: Hovering requires incredible precision and control. The hummingbird’s rapid wing beats create a stable platform, allowing it to maintain position while feeding. The slight movements of their bodies help them adjust to any shifts in the flower or the surrounding air currents.

  2. Efficient Feeding: By moving their bodies in a specific pattern, hummingbirds can maximize their access to nectar. They often tilt their heads and adjust their beaks to reach the deepest parts of the flower, ensuring they get every last drop of nectar.

  3. Territorial Display: Hummingbirds are highly territorial, and their “dance” can also serve as a warning to other hummingbirds to stay away from their chosen feeding spot. The rapid movements and occasional chirps are part of their communication repertoire.

  4. Courtship Behavior: During the breeding season, male hummingbirds perform elaborate aerial displays to attract females. These displays, which include rapid dives, loops, and zigzags, are often referred to as “dances” and are a key part of their mating rituals.

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Hummingbirds and Flowers

The relationship between hummingbirds and the flowers they pollinate is a classic example of mutualism, where both parties benefit. The hummingbird gets a rich source of energy from the nectar, while the flower gets pollinated as the hummingbird moves from bloom to bloom. This relationship has led to co-evolution, where both the bird and the flower have adapted to better suit each other’s needs.

For example, some flowers have developed long, curved tubes that match the length and shape of a hummingbird’s beak, ensuring that only hummingbirds can access the nectar. In return, the hummingbird’s feeding behavior ensures that pollen is transferred efficiently from one flower to another, promoting genetic diversity and the survival of the plant species.

If you’re looking to attract hummingbirds to your garden, here are some of the best flowers to plant:

  1. Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans): Known for its bright orange-red flowers, this vine is a favorite among hummingbirds. Its tubular shape is perfect for their long beaks.

  2. Bee Balm (Monarda): With its vibrant red, pink, and purple blooms, bee balm is a magnet for hummingbirds. It also attracts bees and butterflies, making it a great addition to any pollinator garden.

  3. Salvia (Salvia spp.): Salvia comes in a variety of colors, but the red and purple varieties are particularly attractive to hummingbirds. Their long, tubular flowers are ideal for hummingbird feeding.

  4. Columbine (Aquilegia): The unique shape of columbine flowers, with their spurred petals, is well-suited to hummingbirds. They come in a range of colors, including red, yellow, and blue.

  5. Fuchsia (Fuchsia spp.): The pendulous flowers of fuchsia are a favorite of hummingbirds. Their bright colors and abundant nectar make them irresistible.

The Mystique of the Hummingbird’s Dance

While the scientific explanations for the hummingbird’s dance are clear, there’s also a certain mystique to their movements. Watching a hummingbird hover and dart from flower to flower, it’s easy to see why people have long been fascinated by these tiny birds. Their agility, speed, and seemingly choreographed movements have inspired artists, poets, and nature lovers for centuries.

In many cultures, hummingbirds are seen as symbols of joy, resilience, and the ability to find sweetness in life. Their dance, whether it’s a practical feeding strategy or a courtship display, adds to their allure and makes them one of the most beloved birds in the world.


Hummingbirds are remarkable creatures, and their preferences for certain flowers are a testament to the intricate relationships that exist in nature. By understanding what flowers hummingbirds like and why they behave the way they do, we can better appreciate these tiny wonders and the important role they play in our ecosystems. Whether you’re a gardener looking to attract hummingbirds or simply a nature enthusiast, there’s no denying the magic of watching a hummingbird dance among the flowers.

Q: Why do hummingbirds prefer red flowers? A: Hummingbirds are particularly attracted to red flowers because their vision is highly sensitive to the red end of the spectrum. Red flowers stand out more to them, making it easier for them to locate a food source.

Q: Can hummingbirds smell flowers? A: Hummingbirds have a very limited sense of smell and rely primarily on visual cues to find flowers. This is why many of the flowers they prefer are brightly colored but have little to no fragrance.

Q: How do hummingbirds help flowers? A: Hummingbirds are important pollinators. As they feed on nectar, they inadvertently transfer pollen from one flower to another, aiding in the plant’s reproduction and genetic diversity.

Q: What is the best way to attract hummingbirds to a garden? A: Planting a variety of brightly colored, tubular flowers that produce abundant nectar is the best way to attract hummingbirds. Providing a clean water source and avoiding the use of pesticides will also help create a hummingbird-friendly environment.